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Divorcing a Narcissist Coach

As a divorce coach/therapist, I can help with some guidance and support for individuals going through a divorce. A divorce coach/therapist provides emotional support, practical strategies, and clarity to help clients through the challenging divorce process.


​My role as a divorce coach/therapist varies based on the client's needs but generally includes:


Emotional Support:

Divorce coaches help clients cope with the emotional stress of divorce by providing a safe and supportive space for them to express their emotions, fears, and concerns.



Divorce coaches help their clients gain clarity on their situation by providing perspective, understanding and additional knowledge of the process.



Divorce coaches help clients identify their goals and priorities for the future, during and after the divorce.


Practical Guidance:

Divorce coaches provide clients with practical strategies on how to manage the impact of the divorce in other areas of life, such as finances and relationships with children.


Communication skills:

Divorce coaches help their clients develop effective communication skills to reduce conflict with their ex-spouse during and after the divorce.

​Divorcing a narcissist can be a challenging and emotionally draining experience as narcissists tend to be manipulative, lack empathy and can engage in argumentative and contentious behavior. Here are some tips for divorcing a narcissist:


Protect Yourself:

Depending on the severity of the situation, it may be necessary to seek a restraining order, a protective order or involve the police. Before taking any step, ensure you are safe and secure.


Document Everything:

It is essential to keep a record of all communication, including emails, text messages, voicemails, and social media messages. This will provide proof of any misconduct or threats made by the narcissistic spouse.


Get Professional Help:

It's essential to consult with a lawyer, divorce coach, therapist or support groups who are experienced in divorce cases involving narcissists.


Create Clear Boundaries:

Avoid responding to threats or accusations and instead communicate respectfully and clearly in writing. Establish clear boundaries and stick to them effectively.

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Focus on Facts:

Your focus should be on the relevant issues of the divorce, such as property division, asset and debt allocation, and child custody. Maintain a clear and professional outlook without making it personal at any point.


Be Prepared for a Battle:

In a divorce with a narcissist, expect the unexpected from the other party. It is necessary to prepare yourself for all options and long term planning so that you are not caught off guard.

Remember that divorce with a narcissist can be a challenging, draining, and lengthy process. Getting professionals involved ensures that there is enough experience and knowledge available to assist you and your children, and that the process is navigated correctly and safety is prioritized.

Counselor:  Raquel Soteldo 

Divorcing a narcissist can be a challenging experience that can leave you feeling drained and powerless. Narcissists can be manipulative and controlling and make it difficult to prioritize your own well-being. Here are some self-care strategies for anyone going through a divorce with a narcissist:

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