Our Rehabilitation Services Division
Psychological difficulties affecting your ability to function normally are often a result of motor vehicle collisions, work-related injuries or traumatic incidences. Dalton Associates rehabilitative programs focus on offering accessible and safe support for people facing such challenging life experiences.
The core function in rehabilitative and psychological support is through the following approaches;
· creating a treatment plan to direct the course of therapy
· helping the affected with re-entry to employment opportunities and enhancing normal living activities
· helping pinpoint the impact of your injury or trauma through assessment
Signs and symptoms
Some of the uncommon experiences following trauma or injury include the following;
· fears of driving
· Sleep associated problems
· flashbacks and nightmares
· chronic, incessant pains
· inability to focus and concentrate
· panic attacks and anxiety
· depressive states and sadness
· intense stress and coping difficulties
· Post-traumatic stress disorders
· irritability
· Forgetfulness
The result of mental health-related symptoms is chronic health challenges emerging over time, leading to a disruption of the normal daily functionality. Dalton Associates offers professional mental health services to affected individuals, helping them regain their normal lives. Our expert services include helping individuals experiencing the following related problems;
· Criminal Injuries Compensation Board ( CICB) management
· Long or Short-term Disability ( STD or LTD) assessment and treatment
· Workplace Injury Insurance Board (WSIB) assessment and treatment
· Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) assessment and treatment
We accept referrals from the following entities;
· Self- referrals from individuals
· Health workers that include doctors, case managers or physiotherapists
· associated third parties that include insurers or attorneys
Our evidence-based treatment approaches which we actively use in the support and treatment of mental health matters resulting from injuries or trauma include but are not limited to the following;
· Exposure therapy
· In-vivo therapy
· Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
· Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR)
· Biofeedback
Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (CICB) Assessment and Treatment
Persons facing victimization following a crime usually face challenges in keeping a balance of their mental health status. Such victims requiring mental health support can contact Dalton Associates for professional help from a therapist who is personally and culturally fit with massive experience in supporting each case.
Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) Assessment and Treatment
Handling the aftermath of motor vehicle-related accidents is usually stressful, confusing, and challenging. In addition to dealing with the physical injuries, you might experience numerous other challenges.
Short or Long-Term Disability (STD or LTD) Assessment and Treatment
Deciding on taking time off work can be challenging and difficult. In some instances, taking a short time off your regular job can be necessary. People suffering from short term disability usually transition to long term disabilities, which is in itself a very stressful and challenging life experience. In such scenarios, there is a need to prolong the leave from work for extended periods until the affected individual is in a better frame of mind and physique.
Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) Assessment and treatment
Workplace related injuries are usually frightening and traumatic. In many instances, affected individuals suffer emotional and mental health effects, impacting on their normal life patterns.
Email me at info@soteldotherapy.com
Call for an appointment at 613-400-0128