What comes to mind when you hear the word cannabis, or see someone use it? Whatever it is, we’re sure it has nothing to do with the fact that it can be applicable in psychotherapy sessions. You’ll either think that they’re just having a good time, or trying to manage their mental health problems by numbing them out.. And that’s the reason why over the years we’ve seen cannabis meet skepticism in the mental health department.
People have always been quick to assume that anyone using cannabis is only looking to avoid life or numb out pain. But today, we will be opening your eyes to a different use of cannabis. We will be talking about how you can strategically use cannabis in a therapy session to support your therapeutic processing or progress.
While being used in moderation, researchers discovered that cannabis often exhibits very different properties, in addition to undergoing radical changes. Furthermore, it has been said that it’s actually more effective than most of the medicines that we’ve encountered in any medical field. And if you think we’re just exaggerating facts, look at it from this perspective; which other mental health drug has successfully transitioned from being a calming or recreational tool, to something that offers you a therapeutically supportive experience?
We’ve witnessed people who have always depended on cannabis to numb out pain be surprised by how effective the drug is in therapy. It unlocks your conscious mind, and allows it to release any repressed feeling, memory, or sensation that’s hidden in the subconscious space.
Even though at this point we do not have sufficient evidence to fully support our claims, we can still confidently roll the dice on the fact that a cannabis therapy session is almost as identical as an MDMA assisted therapy session. Even if you have a wealth of experience the medical field, you still cannot look at both sessions and come up with a single difference.
We think that the innate healing intelligence catalyzed, and the psychedelic response, is the primary healing factor. While going through the therapy results drawn from participants who suffered from PTSD, 75% of them admitted to feeling better after being subjected to cannabis therapy.
You cannot describe the path taken by cannabis through a patient’s system as linear, verbal, rational, or even insight-focused. And that’s the reason why therapist who still believe in conventional ways of healing will rarely use it in therapy sessions. It’s never been helpful in telling a story, understanding, or giving more insight in sessions.
So, would you be open to Cannabis counseling? If you’re interested in learning more about the process, get in touch with us, and we will share with you what we know.
Email me at info@soteldotherapy.com
Call for an appointment at 613-400-0128