One of the most critical social, emotional, and physical growth and developmental stages is through childhood and adolescence, a vital phase of our existence. Any happenings during the early developmental stages have a direct impact on our mental and physical health, and other spheres of our lives including our social interactions, education, and even employment. The impact is also significantly felt in our coping abilities throughout our lives. Currently, in Canada, there are approximately 1.3 million children who are facing challenges associated with mental health.
Family counseling and therapy
Each family unit undergoes challenges. In many instances, families require support systems to manage difficulties as and when they arise. Some of the common challenges include emotional breakdown, marital related problems like divorce and separation, illness, financial challenges, poor communication, or even loss of a loved one. The family set up in other cases require support when they undergo social, emotional, and physical challenges.
Individual counseling
We all face difficult and challenging moments in our daily lives. Some of the challenging moments involve things going against our plans, getting overwhelmed by emotions or stress, or the pain of losing a loved one. Psychotherapy, which entails individual counseling, focuses on partnering with the affected party with professionally trained mental health experts. The goal is identifying the problem and finding solutions to existing problems to help individuals maintain a healthy mental health status.
Marriage and couples counseling
Couples in marriages or partners usually experience difficult moments in their relationships which follows daily life strains and stress. Even in the most stable and healthy marriages, couples usually encounter challenges related to parenting, finances, anger management, and traumatic instances. Our teams tasked with marriage and couples counseling services focus on supporting couples undergoing challenges in their relationships. The counseling process aims at re-establishing and maintaining healthy and functional relationships.
Email me at info@soteldotherapy.com
Call for an appointment at 613-400-0128