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LGTBQ2 Counseling #soteldotherapy

M. Raquel S. Soteldo

Updated: Mar 28, 2024

two women holding popsicles


In today’s world, it’s hard to imagine that there’s someone out there who still doesn’t know what the acronym LGBT stands for. And yes, the LGBT community also seek counseling sessions. And now he question on everybody’s mind is, what would push an LGBT youth or their families to reach out to a counselor? Well, we’ll be answering that million-dollar question, today.

To fully understand the psychological needs of the LGBT community, you first have to understand the issues that they face on a daily basis. Anyone who identifies as transsexual, bisexual, lesbian, gay, or any other identity found in the ever-expanding LGBT-TQIA acronym set, has issues that are very different from the issues that heterosexuals or cisgenders face.

For many years now, the LGBT community, together with their supporters, has fought for equality, and that struggle coupled with our society’s negative reaction has always created problems that we do not get to see every day. Some of these issues include:

· Exclusion

· Misunderstanding

· Discrimination

· Bullying

· Ostracization

· Shame

· And much more

Right now you’re probably thinking, ‘But these are everyday issues that can be handled without any help!’ And you’re wrong. Not everyone is as mentally strong as you are. In fact, the situation is even worse for a child who’s still trying to find his or her bearing in the world.

The struggles of an LGBT youth

A lot of things were handled differently in the eras gone by. During those days, people used to hide their differences from classmates, friends, family, and the society in general. The kind of lives that they led was full of confusion, duplicity, and sometimes self-deception.

How would you have felt knowing so very well that there’s no one coming to your rescue even though it’s clear as day that you’re suffering from emotional and mental health issues? How would you cope? Well, the sad truth is, that’s the kind of life that some people led.

The good news is the society in general has progressed over the years. Of course, some people opposed this change (and still do), the LGBT youth are nowadays free and do feel less apprehensive about “Coming out of the closet,” to classmates, friends, and family. However, we’re not saying that we should be complacent with the strides already made. More can be done, seeing as many youths still live in fear.

How parents and family can help

One thing that most people do not understand is the fact that raising an LGBT son or daughter is not different from raising a cisgender or heterosexual child. There’s really no difference. Their emotional, psychological, and biological needs don’t change at all. Of course, you’ll notice personal differences from time to time, but those are individual differences. They have nothing to do with their sexual orientation.

How can one help an LGBT youth?

· Start by learning all the facts and myths. Become informed.

· Ask appropriate questions

· Be open-minded and available

· Listen

· Do not oppose anything

· Do not label

· Accept

Do not suffer in silence. Reach out for help the moment you realize you need one.

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