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THE ARCHETYPES BY CARL JUNG #SoteldoPsychotherapy #Counseling #CarlJung #Archetrypes

M. Raquel S. Soteldo

Updated: Mar 28, 2024

a colorful nebula in space


Carl Jung's decision to stray away from Freudian opinions and exploring a divergent view that featured the ancestral roots and the collective unconscious that includes numerous revolutionary ideas makes him the most famous renegade of classic psychoanalysis.

Jungian's study of the symbols and myths of different cultures propelled him to define his 12 archetypes of personality, as highlighted in the Jungian Archetype Test. The archetypes are a representation of behavioural patterns that define various forms of being. The archetypes also represent cultural images and symbols in existence in the specific collective unconscious.

In his definition of the 12 Jungian archetypes, he states that they are an innate tendency to create images with massive emotional meaning that showcase the relational primacy of our existence. The imprints of the innate tendency are engrained in our unconscious, defying every individual's particular trait.

The 12 Jungian archetypes

Below is a list, in detail, of the 12 Jungian archetypes, giving an insight on what each entails;

1. The Sage

The Sage represents a free-thinker, including their intellect and awareness which define their reason for existence and their ethos. The sage aims to comprehend the universe and its existence by the use of their intellect and analytical abilities. Such personalities always have a logical explanation in response to any argument presented to them.

2. The Innocent

The Innocent personalities have mastery and knowledge of self-help. They have a positive outlook on life matters and are always looking for happiness with an optimistic perspective of everything. Such personalities feel well-adjusted to their surroundings, with the urge to always make others happy.

3. The Explorer

The Explorer represents the daring sojourner. The bold traveler begins on a well-defined path and is expectant of adventure and novelty on their journeys. The explore enjoys the discovery of new places and things relating to them. One negative aspect about the explore is their incessant search for perfection which is hardly ever achieved.

4. The Ruler

The Ruler archetype refers to an exemplary leader. This type of personality believes that it is their responsibility to bring order to any challenge. The ruler has a stable approach to issues, endeavours for excellence, and craves for others to follow their lead. This archetype always has numerous reasons why others need to listen and follow them, one of the 12 Jungian archetypes linked to power. With the imposing desire to impose their will on others, the Ruler may exhibit signs of tyranny.

5. The Creator

This type of archetype has a pressing desire to be free because of their love for novelty. This personality enjoys transforming things to come up with brand new outcomes. The Creator archetype is knowledgeable, self-sufficient, and is a non-conformist. Such people are always humorous and have imaginative insight. The downside of this personality is their inability to be consistent, with more time spent on planning than performing.

6. The Caregiver

The Caregiver is a representative of those that feel more powerful than those around them. Such people feel the urge to offer maternal protection to other people, willing to defend them against harm and preventing dangers or risks from affecting other people’s peace of mind. In extreme cases, the caregiver becomes a martyr, regularly reminding people of their sacrifices.

7. The Magician

The Magician archetype features those that feel like mighty revolutionaries. For their sake and the sake of others, the magician regularly regenerates and transformed anew. This type is are on constant growth and transformation. The greatest shortcoming of the Magician is their contagious mood, sometimes negatively affecting situations or events.

8. The Hero

The epitome of the Hero’s existence is power. This type exhibits a rare vitality and resistance which they actively use to gain power or honour. This personality is capable of doing anything in their ability to avoid defeat in whatever situation. This group does not acknowledge defeat because they never let go or give up. Their misgiving is that they are constantly overambitious and can be controlling at times.

9. The Rebel

The Rebel in many instances represents the villain. This personality is always provocative, and disregards other people's feelings, opinions, or reaction. It is always going against other people's expectations or goodwill. The Rebel does not do well under pressure and any influence from others. The negative attribute of the ruler is that they sometimes become self-destructive.

10. The Lover

The Lover archetype represents the hearty and sensitive personalities. This personality thrives in love, and showing those around them love, with love representing their greatest happiness. They see good in everything and find pleasure in everything good.

11. The Orphan

The Orphan archetype is a representation of the hurt who walk around with visible wounds. This type feels let-down and disappointed with the expectation of other people changing their lives, in whose absence they feel rejected. The Orphan archetype plays the victim in many instances, pretending to be innocent. The negative attribute of the orphan is that they portray a cynical behaviour and in many cases are very manipulative.

12. The Jester

The Jester archetype represents the happy soul that loves laughter. This group is not pretentious and like to reveal other people’s true colours. The Jester does not take themselves seriously because their only aim in life is to enjoy everything. Their downside is that in many instances they tend to be lazy, lewd, and greedy.

Raquel Soteldo RP(Q), MA, ABA, PMP, CCC

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