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Weight Loss Counseling

M. Raquel S. Soteldo

Updated: Mar 28, 2024

a person holding a piece of food on a plate


There’s an approach to psychotherapy known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and weight loss therapy is part of it. With the help of CBT, you can get to the core of any problem, because your relationship with food is nothing more than a symptom of a deep-rooted issue.

How’s therapy instrumental in losing weight?

According to researchers, nearly 70% of Americans are either obese or over-weight. And with that number growing exponentially every year, it’s safe to assume that this problem is not going to go away anytime soon. In fact, most of the people who have tried to combat this problem using conventional methods like exercising and dieting, have terribly failed.

One thing that we always seem to forget is the fact that this overweight issue is not all about aesthetics. Of course, your body shape and size will contribute something to your self-esteem but it’s not what you should be worrying about. Being overweight is a health risk, as it usually leads to other medical complications such as diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, cancer, kidney disease, and many more.

Mental health problems have also been associated with being overweight or obese. Statistics have indicated that people who struggle with weight issues often fall into depression, suffer from anxiety, and have low self-esteem. So you can clearly see why mental health specialists are now advocating for non-traditional approaches to curb this issue at hand.

Methods used in weight loss therapy

The first thing that your therapist will do is assess the situation. The assessment will consist of questions about your lifestyle choices, relationship with food, and mental and physical health history.

In that same session, you’ll also talk about your long-term goals, types of food to consume, and exercises. In subsequent meetings, the topic will circle around how to break down these long-term goals into smaller phases so as to figure out how they’ll be achieved.

Weight loss can always be achieved through a series of lifestyle changes. That includes different exercises and meal plans tailored to your specific goals or needs. In the process, you’ll start to realize that you’re slowly understanding your relationship with food, and some of the underlying issues that have contributed to your negative body image, overreacting, and weight gain.

Strategies involved in CBT weight loss

· Goal setting

· Self-monitoring

· Feedback and reinforcement

· Increasing personal motivation

· Incentives

Why do you need a therapist?

Therapy is vital because even if you successfully manage your weight on your own, you can never know what issue drove you to where you once were. But with the help of a therapist, you’ll be getting a two-for-one deal.

Call for an appointment at 613-400-0128



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